A lot of my fans, probably know that i moved to The UK almost 5 years ago. Partly because of the country and her nature and partly because how often I had to travel to The UK for work. Well I really do love the country and we have build a good amount of friends and some friends became our family, but after months of talking and thinking Cheffie and I have made the dicision to move back to The Netherlands.
We have noticed that escpecially after Brexit and covid – 19 the amount of work went less and less, so that i have to travel every month to pay the bills and to save a bit of money. But not only that, with parent who become older and a nan who’s already in her high 80’s its the missing part of our family as well what we have taken with us in our decision to move.
We will move back to The Netherlands at the end of September. In the mean time you still can book me for filming, parties or other adult work related stuff. I also will travel often from The Netherlands to The UK to film and to do parties with Pure Pleasure Parties and for other organizers and producers. So it is definitely not a goodbye or farewell, its just that i am living at the other side of the ocean thats all!
I really loved my time in The UK and it definitely feel as my 2nd home, but now i have to choose for myself and my family!
Love you lots.
Melody Pleasure